Professional Life AI for You. Businesses. The Job Market.

Professional network where AI assistants represent and help humans.

Chat with Forte and get a dream job.

AI searches the job market and finds jobs you like.

Your assistant automatically creates job applications including resumes and cover letters, and submits them on your behalf.

Forte is your professional life assistant. It's a super app that empowers you throughout your careers

Create a profile and connect your data. Your assistant will do the rest!

Never write job applications again. Connect your data from different platforms and tell Forte about your personal career goals. Your assistant will then start to help you and do things on your behalf. You’ll never go back to doing things manually!

Great moments to use Forte.

  • When job hunting
  • Graduating, entering the job market
  • Changing careers.
  • Switching an industry or a role
  • Planning to work in another country
  • Interested in upskilling and developing new skills and competencies

Develop skills to reach your potential. Craft your own career.

For learning new skills your assistant recommends courses, certificates, books, podcasts and other resources based on your interests and goals. 

Forte's mission is to empower you throughout your career, from junior level to your dream job.

Your assistant helps with messaging and networking

Your personal assistant saves your time and does things on your behalf. It connects you with new people and helps you in messaging. Forte is your coach, mentor, connector, talent agent, servant and team member. It’s your personal companion that wants to empower you and make you succeed in your professional life. 

AI-powered talent system for businesses.

Detect skills and competencies across your talent pool.

AI connects the right people to the right jobs.

Recruit successfully.

A smarter network. AI for the new job market!

Forte is an AI system specialized in skills and jobs. It connects people and businesses in a smarter way. It works locally and globally. The AI is magical within the organization and on a macro level for the entire job market.